University of Sioux Falls

USF Alumni

University of Sioux Falls

Alumni Association Board Application

Thank you for your interest in the University of Sioux Falls Alumni Association Board. As the advisory board to the University’s Alumni Association, this board is committed to recruiting members who will bring diverse ideas and perspective to the USF Alumni Association in order to best serve the ever-changing needs of our alumni. This application form is the first step of the selection process. The information gathered below will help the Board determine how well each candidate is suited to serve in this important volunteer role.

Candidate Information

Cell/Home Phone Number
Work Phone Number
Email Address
Graduation Year

List the activities the candidate was involved in during their time at SFC/USF. Did the candidate play a leadership role in any of these activities?

Are there aspects of their employment that make this candidate particularly well-suited to serve on the Board?

What skills and strengths does this candidate possess that will contribute a positive impact to that committee and the overall Board?

Describe the candidate’s current involvement with the University.

What other information should the Board know that makes this person a great candidate for the Board?